Saturday, September 02, 2006

A break always does you good

No, I haven't abandoned the anonymous ranting; there is really no other place to spend summer but Europe. Triapsing from one small island to another, soaking in the sun. After months of dusty Malaysian air, I needed a break. I am safely back now, freshly tanned golden and full of bedpost glory tales.

Travelling alone is the best chicken soup for the soul there is. Exploring new places, ideas and people stretches the mind like nothing else. I am duly re-inspired by the kaleidoscope of culture that I was immersed in from dawn to dusk, much more so that when I was in Sydney, and with it fond memories that will bring a private smile to my face for the months to come.

I need to unpack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg after a 1 yr hiatus u are back ;)

10:30 AM  

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